DID YOU KNOW? The earliest and largest collection of prehistoric musical instruments was found in China and dates back to between 7000 and 6600 BCE.

Primitive Musical Discovery
Since the discovery of fire men have been singing and dancing in different sorts of celebration and worship. We start off drumming fingers out of pure boredom and the next thing you know, somebody's humming along. Music is in everything, especially us. We'll use anything available or invent a way. Believe it or not, there is a song in you.
It would seem that Primitive music has always been here. No one can say for sure just when, where or how people first started making music. It undoubtedly stemmed from the very things we do today to amuse ourselves. Tapping a foot or clapping hands have always been a means of musical expression. We're slap happy on our knees or 'whistling while we work'. It's a wonder the many ways we make music without even thinking. Perhaps your primitive musical style is desktop pencil tapping.
Music's connection with our emotions has had men singing and dancing in celebration, in worship, at work, in battle and in love for as long as anyone can recall. Be it some primitive tribe dancing around a firelight drumming messages across the jungle or an inner city child's first experiment with a stick and a tin can, primitive music will always play a part. Primitive Music is music without organization, maybe the lack of equipment, education, intentional purpose or merely improvisational.
The world as we know it today carries an array of still practiced primitive music, in both daily life and cultural activities. The ceremonial long horns of Tibet are a prime example, centuries long in this primitive spiritual performance along with their bowls and gongs art. All music is spiritual, it's meant to please the senses, stir emotion. The need is there, in our soul. There is no style nor form, nor any reason for it except the form of music itself in that it comes from the heart and the mood will be satisfied at all costs.
I don't know about you but I hear music in most anything that makes a sound. I guess that's why the railroad became so popular in the music of modern times. That lonesome wailing reminds us all that we're only human and we've the need to feel. What better way is there to express emotion than in song? We can imagine or send any message we choose and get away with it. Musical voices can even break glass. Usually, it's merely for ourselves because we can.

Throughout history, we've used just about anything to amuse ourselves. Any reason, any sound, anything goes in the name of telling and showing how we feel. All we need is a little rhythm. A simple daily conversation or a letter from home become lyrics. A child's laughter or an old man's cries are cherished song in the hearts and minds of many. Pain, hurt and sorrow, or gladness, joy and excitement, anger, madness and insanity; whatever you're quest, there's a need to matter, a reason to be heard, a point to be made.
There is no limit to music. Why would there be? It is certainly one of our greatest achievements. The possibilities are endless as we prefer. Create a style all your own or use one known. Be yourself and tell the world what it's like in there, out there, over there, down there, or up there. Imagine it, love it, live it, and sing about it. Now you know why we're so curiously into it. This is the good stuff.