Feel free to use and refer to the musicalhelp.org Guitar Chord Tabs. Bookmark this page for your return. The tabs are shown arranged by the key of chords. Click to view the tabs by progression of scale on page two. Do not copy or link to the images on this page. Instead, download a free Musicalhelp.org Guitar Chord Tab Chart
How to Interpret Guitar Chord Tablature

- Red dot indicates which string to play at which fret.
Number on red dot indicates suggested finger to use.
Line above tab indicates the tuning head end of guitar
There are countless variations of chords for any instrument of the major and minor scaling system. Composers and performers alike often apply combinations of chords and/or chord sevenths creating an appoggiatura and other tone effects in their music. The tabs posted include all of the standard chords through the fourteenth fret. The chord tabs displayed in the key of scale make it easy for you to see the common chords often used from the lower the fret board. From there, you can simply transpose them to the appropriate bar or other type chords shown if needed or visa-versa. Scales too are included in these patterns. This illustration of the chords is helpful in recognizing the most commonly used chords and identifying them when sight reading or playing an instrument. For more info on interpreting string tablature, review the string tablature section in notation.