DID YOU KNOW? In1813 E.T.A. Hoffman wrote an article about Ludwig Von Beethoven's instrumental Fifth Symphony, thereby establishing the principles of musical romanticism.

Romancing the Music
The late eighteen century brought the departure from the strict exacting of the classical styles to the more intimate and emotional styles of the Romantic Period. The compositions here will touch you like no others in musical history. It was a revolution of the arts. Composers dreamed of embellishment. Performers earned a new musical understanding. Audiences fell in love with the music.
Romance was in the air and in the concert hall. It was music of emotion, music that sent wave upon wave of rushes through the listeners' as well as the performers' senses by way of chords with tones at intervals in changes of key that felt as if composed to do just that. Love is like that. The Romantic composers knew just what music was about.
In order to achieve what he believed and felt through music, the Romantic composer had to convey his understanding to the performers by emphasizing the crucial need of musical expertise in the now expanding orchestra. It wasn't more of the Classical precision. It was an era of personal expression with heart. There was a need to feel, not just from composers but performers too. This is the path to musical appreciation. The intent was purely noble; capturing the audience by touching the listener.
Romantic performers felt the same as the composers of the time. While the composer conveyed his intent to the members of the orchestra, the musicians got it, understood it, and knew they had to get inside the listener. Without the style of the Romantic performers, music might never have really sent any message at all. Resultant were sound combinations which sent chills straight into the human soul and broke many a heart. A new kind of tear fell that day. Not one of sorrow but one which touched us and called to a part inside of us all that we needed to hear. We feel. We wonder. We love. It worked.
Renowned Romantic Composers

Robert Schumann

Ludwig Von Beethoven

Hector Belioz
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart