DID YOU KNOW? Classical music is not just from the Classical Period (1750 - 1810). It dates back to the Middle Ages and is still in widespread use today, near 1000 years later.

The Real Class Acts
The Classical Period didn't last too long, about 70 or so years, but when stacked on top of what occurred during the Baroque period, it gave us music that will undoubtedly be with us forever. Step into what I have come to call the real 'class acts' of musical innovation.
Classical music is rooted deep in the essence of musical contrast. It has been distinguished from the more common musical styles since its development in the late 18th century. It was during this time however that they decided to call it art. The Classical acts became separated from the norm by way of natural history. Aristocracy, revolt, and life of the day seemed to dictate the sounds of the day as well as the European attire.
Classical music is highly ornamented and very expressive with contrasts so extreme that the French and Italian composers placed terms on the music such as moto, retenu, and crescendo to control the performers' esprit. He wanted contrast.. contrast of mood, of dynamics and expression. Classical compositions carried surges of volumes and movements from key to key that kept a breath stricken audience captive through the music's frantic or sometimes compassionate stops and starts. Like no other musical form in history, variety and color are the spice of life in classical composing.
The elite do not carry the classical burden alone. Classical music has many outlets for everyone, royal or common. The symphony orchestra accompanies many a performance of concert, theatre, opera, and ballet. Other applications of this musical style are applied to formats such as film soundtracks, documentaries, movies, and music for all types of video production. It's even used in advertising as well as live events. Too, it plays its digital part when required. Most classical instruments have now been converted to digital.
Dramatic expressionism had taken over by the end of the classical era and composers such as Beethoven, Mozart, and the Bach were hard at work as were Haydn, Wagner and Verdi creating the greatest classical symphonies for all time to come.
Renowned Classical Composers
![800px-Joseph_Haydn[1] 800px-Joseph_Haydn[1]](https://musicalhelp.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/800px-Joseph_Haydn1.jpg)

Joseph Haydn
Richard Wagner
Igor Stravinsky
Giuseppe F. Francesco Verdi